AmigaOS3.5 (365/967)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:12 May 2000 at 15:23:15
Subject:Re: 3.5 Inch IDE drive install

On 12-May-00, Don Cox wrote:
>> It flukes it occasionally, but saying "It worked here" is of no help
>> to the programmer, giving meaningfull information about the drive
>> that DIDN'T work is what they need...
> I was disputing the blanket statement that "it won't recognise an
> uninitialised drive". It seems that _sometimes_ it won't.
> As you say, we now need to narrow it down. Perhaps it recognises SCSI
> drives but not IDE?
> The problem is, when we find out exactly what the problem is, how do
> we get that information to the program author?

That is the point of contension, WE (here) are not necessarily
kept "in the loop" by H&P, but they are monitoring this list.
(or were.....)

I think they may have already found the bug, but it would be nice
if they told us if they have.
I believe it will be fixed with BB2, but a little feedback would
go a long way...

At the moment because we are unaware what has been & what
has not been fixed, we should try and give rock solid debug info
about problems that can be consistently reproducable,
in that event, an email to H&P would probably be approprate.

If they already know about the problem & don't need us to continue
to assist them, I think they should say so....

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

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